A Lighthouse In Angles

Long Shot A long shot is used to place an object in relation to its surroundings. By showing the entire lighthouse, a scale is set up between the size of the mountains and the size of the lighthouse. There is repetition of many horizontal lines with the rain, which unifies the picture and adds rhythm. Medium Shot A medium shot is placed around the waist of the subject, somewhere between a long shot and a close up. This photo has informal balance between the lighthouse and the light, which carries the eye to the edge of the view. You can also see a repetition of curved lines running down the lighthouse with the walkway and molding. Eye Level Shot Eye level shots place the camera at the eye level of the subject. This shot has formal balance, being almost the same on both sides. This portrays a sense of stability and power within this lighthouse. There is also a strong variety in the shapes within the shot, with the dramatic angles of the mountains and t...